Going to the range and buying ammo will be costly and add up quickly. Finding a good reliable “ammo guy” is the hard part and you need a place you trust. This is where Triple R Munitions comes in to solve your ammo needs and much more.
For all kinds of ammo new from the factory or reloads and even custom loads for competition shooting the guys at Triple R Munitions can do that for you and it will still be cheaper than buying the 50 count boxes that are hard to find in the stores.
Related Video: Triple R Munitions at Sports Fair
Another service that Triple R Munitions is known for is building rifles for the average shooter or bigger projects that can be from kits or from the ground up.
Email them today
Blank Fire Adaptors and the ammo alone is becoming a very popular trend in the Hollywood movie scene and even in the Milsim(airsoft) scene to make the movie or reenactment more realistic.
Related Blank Fire Videos:
50cal Gun Run at Milsim West – The Kazakh Offensive
Blank Fire – Humvee – Milsim West Jump To Rostov
Recent range day to take out the MG42 and M1919 with several other friends to blast some target and have some fun. The video will give you a brief overview of what Triple R Munitions can do for you.