How can you help our Blog Site and the work we do?
Our Patreon is for the main author and it goes towards keeping the website running and hosting fees.
What will I get out of this?
You will help keep the website up and running if we get enough donations that are ‘pocket change’
Other donations will give you blogs catered to your Team, Diner or anything else you need, you help us so we help you!
Where is the content going to be posted?
Content ranging from pictures to community interactions and blogs covering airsoft, firearms, hiking and foodie adventures will be posted here:
Website Facebook(Team) Facebook(Brian) Instagram YouTube Twitter Google+

How much do I have to spend?
$1 Good Job tip!
Official patron status. This means you’ll get access to my patron-only feed AND my endless appreciation for joining my team.
$5 #ShoutOut!
Have a team or a diner and need some press? With this I can get a nice blog with pictures for you. Using SEO and linking to help bring in more fans for yourself!
Lets make this work for you!
$20 SWAG Time!
Working with many places and companies I get some swag or discounts. I can share them with you or ship them to you! More than a patch!
$50 Your Choice
Looking for blog topics in Airsoft, Firearms, Hiking, Gear, Food and the list goes on. Tell me what you want me to cover, research and blog about with pictures and maybe a video it if needs it.

End Goal is Simple
Pay for the website and its yearly bill, not trying to get new cameras or pricey things. Anything extra will be used for giveaways and other hook ups to help the community!
Not able to Donate? You can still Help!
If you are not able to donate you can still help by sharing our posts and spreading the word about our word and help us grow, that will good too.
Written by Brian Holt