Complete video library from over the years that have been published. They are able to be used for all the rifles that are AEG or Electric Rifles and does not matter the brand since they are very similar. Please check out the HIGHLIGHTED LINKS below to get the video. The videos will be grouped and easy to sort and find depending on what you are looking to do in terms or fix or repair. Please share this page with your friends and help them as well.
-Installing MadBull Airsoft Rails and other front end parts for the M4 Rifle-
–(Classic Army, VFC, Tokyo Marui, Echo1USA, DBoys, Lancer Tactical, Valken, ASG)–
How to install a MadBull Daniel Defense M4 RIS II on my M4
How to install a MadBull Daniel Defense Rail on my M4
How to install M4 RAS II on my M4
M4/M16 Front Sight Removal Video
M4 RIS and Outer Barrel Install for Upgrading the front end
How to remove your Airsoft Delta Ring or Barrel Nut
These videos will help and show you the needed steps to remove all the parts for the front end of the M4 rifle and install the new outer barrel and railed hand guard you just purchased.
-How to install pistol grips and trigger guards on my Airsoft M4-
–(Classic Army, VFC, Tokyo Marui, Echo1USA, DBoys, Lancer Tactical)–
How to install a MagPul PTS grip on M4 Airsoft Rifle
How to install a new trigger guard on my M4 Rifle (Strike Industries Cobra)
How make a Custom MagPul M4 Rifle(PTS Stock, Hand Guard, Vert Grip)
-Making a DMR or Sniper Platform(Electric Rifle) Semi Auto and 500+ FPS-
–(Classic Army, VFC, Tokyo Marui, Echo1USA, DBoys, Lancer Tactical, Valken, ASG)–
A highly talked about topic since everybody has the correct way to do it but there are several ways to get the job done. Things to take in account will be Budget, Performance and Longevity.
How to make a great Airsoft DMR. Inside and out
How to make the AEG rifle Semi-Auto modes only(selector plate mod)
-How to install Deans Plugs and other small items for your new rifle or Upgrade-
–(Classic Army, VFC, Tokyo Marui, Echo1USA, DBoys, Lancer Tactical, Valken, ASG)–
Using these videos will help you save some money for doing a quick and easy install or parts or adding plugs instead of having the local store do it for you. Supporting your local store is great but if they are backed up on repairs and you need something to play that weekend this will help!
How to bypass and fix a fuse for Airsoft
How to install Madbull Hop Up Unit Pt.1
Installing MadBull Hop Up in Troy Pt.2
How to install Deans plugs or T Connectors for Airsoft Rifle and Battery
How to install a Sling Loop on the M4 Buffer Tube(some Mod needed)
350 FPS Spring Change M100 install video (CQB field legal)
300 FPS Spring Change M90 Install video(CQB field legal)
How to install a new Cylinder for the Gearbox
How to install a new tightbore inner barrel (MadBull Airsoft)
Correct way to AoE the piston
Several ways and reasons to Solder Wires and Install Deans Plugs
How to install a M4 Selector Switch
How to install the Magazine Release, both types of M4 Rifles
M4 Rifle Barrel swapping or changing for cleaning or upgrading
-Basic Takedown to the gearbox and Assembly-
–(Krytac, G&G, APS, JLS, PHX/VFC, Classic Army, VFC, Tokyo Marui, Echo1USA, DBoys, Lancer Tactical, Valken, ASG)–
Echo1USA Platinum/VFC M4 Rear Wired
M14/SOC16 Echo1USA/Cyma Gearbox video
MTC3 or G36 or SL8 Echo1USA/STAR/JG
Echo1USA CSR/SVD Dragonof Cyma/Real Sword
Echo1USA M240B JG/Cyma or Trigger Happy
Echo1USA AK47 Vector or Toyko Marui AK47 and Beta Series
APS M4 – Complete Gearbox Guide (takedown-assembly)
PHX15 / VFC(ambi selector) – Complete Gearbox Guide (disassembly – assembly)
G&G M4/ PWS – Complete Gearbox Guide (takedown – assembly)
Krytac Trident CRB – Complete Gearbox Guide (disassembly – assembly)
VFC SCAR-L – Complete Gearbox Guide (disassembly- assembly) Airsoft
E&L MK18/M4 | Complete Gearbox Guide (disassembly- assembly) Airsoft
JLS RX4 Airsoft Gearbox upgrade review
-Repairs, Guides and Trouble Shooting-
–(Krytac, G&G, APS, JLS, PHX/VFC, Classic Army, VFC, Tokyo Marui, Echo1USA, DBoys, Lancer Tactical, Valken, ASG)–
Airsoft AK motor height adjustment and fix. Grinding and high pitched noise.
V3 AK/SG/AUG trigger install and tips for stock or aftermarket parts
Airsoft M4/M16 not feeding/shooting all the time, nozzle issue?
Stripped piston in a V2 M4/M16 SR25 type rifle
M4/M16 or V2 Gearbox shooting sometimes. Trigger issues and how to fix
Too much Hop up for Echo1 MTC, ASC, M4, AK, SOB
How do I fix and repair my stripped gearbox in my Echo1 AK?
Why is my Echo1 MTC/ V3 Gearbox Rifle shooting by itself? How do I fix it?
How do I unjamm or remove a stuck BB from my Echo1 AK
Why is my Echo1 M4 not shooting and how do I fix and repair it! (stripped piston)
M4 or any AEG “Jammed Gun” TroubleShoot/ Gearbox or Barrel
MadBull PX piston install for M4/M16 V2 and AK/G36 V3 Rifles
-Echo1 Timberwolf or TM/WE Glock Based Pistols Gas Blow Backs-
–(Echo1USA, WE Tech, Tokyo Marui, HFC, KSC, KWA)–
Upgrade and accessories for the Timberwolf by Echo1 or WE/TM Glock Series
Airsoft Timberwolf/ WE/TM GLOCK and ALL Gas Gun pistol leak repair
How to fix the Echo1 Timberwolf or TM/WE GLOCK with a stuck hammer
Echo1 TimberWolf or WE/TM GLOCK Custom Stippled Frame
Rounding the frame and cutting for custom fit. WE/TM/Echo1 Glock pistols
-M28/VSR-10 and Most Bolt Action Rifles-
–(Echo1USA, Tokyo Marui, WELL, Lancer Tactical, Classic Army, JG)–
Installing the SPEED Airsoft M28/VSR10 CNC Aluminum sear set
How to fix and upgrade Echo1 M28 with VSR-10 Sear Set parts. (slam fire)
Echo1 M28 or Tokyo Marui VSR10 Slam Fire Repair
M28 takedown of parts
How to Assemble your M28 Bolt Action Sniper Rifle
M28/VSR10 Magazine Fitting Issue
-Upgrades for the Electric Rifles-
–(Echo1USA, Tokyo Marui, WELL, Lancer Tactical, Classic Army, JG, Valken, ASG, KWA)–
How to make a great Airsoft DMR. Inside and out 500+ FPS SEMI AUTO
High Speed feeding for M4/M16’s (mod and repair)
Upgrading the RedStar BOLT/ AK and V3 gearbox for CQB and high ROF
MTC/G36 or V3 gearbox upgrade video
Echo1/VFC XCR MOSFET install and guide
High Speed Gear, 8mm Bearing, Shims install video
Cutting the Long Motor shaft to make a Medium or Short motor
-M203 and 40mm Gas Shells-
–(Madbull Airsoft, CAW, Classic Army)–
M203 Launcher and MadBull Grenade Shell repair