Free Items & Discounts for REI and Bass Pro and more!
For the outdoors person being either hiking, camping, hunting or just enjoying the great outdoors it can be costly. Here is an unknown way to get FREE items or discounts at your favorite outdoor businesses like REI, Bass Pro Shop Cabela’s and many more.
How do I get the FREE stuff from these places?
You will use a free receipt app to gather reward points to then use them at the locations or online sites for $5, $10 or $25, $50 off purchases. So with every purchase you make in your weekly outings just snap a picture of it and rack up the points. There is no buy in or credit cards needed on file. Lets get started!

Go to the App Store and download the Fetch Rewards with the logo that you see in the picture above to your phone. Use the Referral code “RHE4C” to get 2000 points to start. Now moving forward just keep the receipts of your purchases to upload to the Fetch app. Great thing about the app is it stores the photos of the receipts on the app and not on your phone, this can be used later on if you need a receipt you lost. Here are some recent examples of spending and rewards.

As you can see the rewards per purchase do vary and you can get a lot of points fast. You may be wondering what the catch is or who profits off this. The goal of the Fetch app is to have buy more of the products or brands listed on their app and you get points as a reward.
I don’t spend a lot of money so how can I use this?
This app is all about receipts and not you as an individual so if you really wanted to hustle you can look for discarded receipts at the grocery stores left int he carts and snap some pictures that way or ask your household for their receipts. So instead of collecting soda cans like we did back in the day we are collecting receipts now and getting a better deal for ourselves.
Ok, so we know how the Fetch App works, how to get the discounts?
Once you get enough points then you can go to the Rewards section of Fetch and Redeem the “gift card” to be emailed to you for online or in store purchases.

Now you can get more of your wish list from these places and start saving some money too! If this was helpful please share with your friends and help them too, thank you 🙂
Written by Brian Holt
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